Alice Miller

Master's Degree in Education: Curriculum Development
January 2018- November 2020
Queen's University
Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)
November -2010
Cambridge University
​Specialist in Modern Languages September 2003-June 2008
University of Toronto
Hello! My name is Alice Miller and I have been in the education field for over a decade. Starting off as an ESL teacher in Toronto, Ontario, where I taught Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening and Communication to new Canadians, I subsequently traveled to Seoul, South, Korea’s dynamic capital, where I went from teaching Kindergarten children in a traditional hagwon to training businessmen and businesswomen working for Hyundai and Kia on how to give Global Presentations.
​Upon my return to Canada, I taught Academic Essay Writing to college students and served as head teacher in a tutoring company. At this institute, I helped students, aged kindergarten to grade 8, develop their reading and essay writing skills and taught English and advanced academic essay writing to high-school students, with the result that I am very familiar with the Ontario school curriculum. Lastly, I have extensive experience prepping university students and mature students to take either the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or the TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language) – tests that will assist them in getting either their desired job or into the university program they aspire to join. I have also taught Conversation and Culture courses to college-level students at UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico).
Why have I decided to start an online business? The answer is this: I hold a Master's from Queen's University in Online Curriculum Development and, given our New Normal, online classes will of necessity be many students’ preferred option . I want to prove that, with the right teacher, online learning can be engaging, absorbing and up to the job of preparing students to live, work and thrive in our emerging virtual world.